Monday, June 14, 2010

Bait ball plus

Hi folks!  The offshore fishing has not slowed, producing incredible bait ball action!! With all the usual suspects, Spanish mackerel, long-tail tuna, the odd cobia, and plenty of over-sized bull sharks.
Up the rivers, the barra were a little sluggish in the drains, but there were plenty of good-sized jacks and fingermarks on the snags.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Young Gun

This week I was joined by Dan, Amelia and young gun, Ethan Francis. The weather could not have been better with light south-easterly winds in the mornings and glass-outs in the afternoons. The first day was spent up the creeks, fishing the drains for barra. The goal was to put Ethan onto his first barramundi. Once the tide dropped out and the drains were exposed, Ethan was unstoppable. With spin rod and top water lure in hand, he caught 8 barra from the first spot - not bad for an 8 year old!! Dan, who was determined not be shown up by his son, managed not as many, but did catch the biggest - 76cm (pictured below).
Offshore was nothing short of insane, with bait balls filled with tuna, Spanish mackerel and cobia. Ethan sight-casted the cobia shown below, which was loitering off the back of a shark!!