Saturday, September 11, 2010

Weipa still giving it!

Hi guys! The weather has still been pretty blowy, so not a lot to report from offshore. Early one morning though, we did manage a handful of big queenfish, some solid GTs (giant trevally) on 10lb spin gear, and cobia. As mentioned in the previous blog, the creeks were coming alive and this week has proved to be no different. There have been some quality barra around, with Rory catching the 96cm one below. Not bad for his first ever barra!!
Jaiden also caught his first barra this morning. He captured his 68cm beauty on a live mullet.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Creeks coming alive!

The creeks are once again coming to life as the water is warming with summer fast approaching. There has been some good barra and jacks taken on a mixture of live bait and lures, with this 51cm brute (pictured below) nailing a Suruna 110. The fingermark have been thick on the snags and rock bars during the neap tides, with 35- 40cm being the average size. We had an interesting experience while casting poppers for queenfish this week, a 4-5 foot croc (around 1.5 metres) became particularly interested in a pink popper after several attacks and misses from the queenies.