Saturday, October 30, 2010

Crazy Sailfish Action

Just had an awesome day offshore, fishing for sailfish. Angler Josh Lyons landed 4, as well losing another 6 that fell off beside the boat. It was pretty busy, so wouldn't be able to say exactly how many we raised, but at one stage we did count at least 8 behind the boat chewing on teasers, and anything else we threw at them!!

Picture Perfect

Calm weather, blue skies, quality fish, does it get any better? I say it all the time, but again the fishing has been awesome, with off-shore, creeks, and beaches firing. Along the beaches, Newcastle boys, Nic and Adam, sight-casted cobia from manta rays, big queenfish, and barra. Offshore, there were a few Spanish Macks in between the numerous GTs landed. The creeks produced some good barra fishing, although we struggled to keep the hooks in them at times.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bait Balls......

There has been some awesome bait ball action around lately. Father and son, Pete and Mitch, knocked over countless tuna on the light spin gear. I have also included some GT pics from last week's trip with the Compleat Angler boys. Doug, armed with a Saltiga, 100 pound braid and a big arse popper, made very short work of his big GT!!!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Morning Sails

Had the day off so a mate and I went down the coast looking for Sails. We found them !!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Goin' Offffff !!!!!!!!!!!!

The fishing lately has been nothing short of insane. Offshore, there have been acres of tuna which we have been catching on 4kg line after we tired of catching them on conventional gear (15kg). The sharks have been pretty much non-existent for the past couple of weeks, but are now back with a vengeance. Huge numbers of Spanish Mackerel have been caught offshore. Earlier this week, we had 2 sessions where we landed countless Spaniards on anything  - poppers, barra lures - it did not matter. We just threw what ever we had into the ocean, wound back fast, and watched as 10 Spanish mackerel fought to eat the lure. The GTs have not been around in big numbers, but the ones that have shown are BIG!!
What words do I use to describe the creek fishing - crazy, silly, insane, awesome? Big barra, King Salmon, Black Jew - I will let the pics do most of the talking.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fly Fishing Weipa

The first  two days of Rod and Bill's 5 day charter were plagued by strong westerly winds, which meant most of their time was spent up the creeks fly fishing for barramundi and fingermarks.
Rodney had a small purple patch, catching 6 barramundi and 9 fingermark fly fishing in the first hour, first morning!!
Once the beaches cleared up there were plenty of fish to be sight-casted to - blue salmon, blue bastards, queenfish and giant herring were the most common fish found.